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  • This assignment allows me to demonstrate my proficiency with AJAX and Jquery. I created an API key and used it to populate my page with Game of Thrones related gifs.

Friend Finder

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  • This project utilizes my skills with the MySQL database.The main issue was working within so many files. They all had to interact with each other and it was complicated at first but I figured it out. Also, some of the photo links made the photos look huge so I had to find different photos.

Clicky Game

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  • This is the first React project I did. React was hard at first. I had trouble with getting the background to work and the reset game logic was tough at first.

Sushi Roll

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  • This was my final project and it was my idea. I took the lead on this one because I really wanted to challenge myself. My buddy and I love anime and wanted to do this.The hardest part was finding an API that worked. The original one was shut down so I found a clone online.


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  • This is my Pokemon Pokedex app. A Pokedex allows Pokemon fans to display the Pokemon that they have collected. Users can find stats on their favorite pokemon. All 800+ can be found in this application.I did this project because I knew that there was a Pokemon API and wanted to do a fun, cool project with it. I also wanted more practice with Javascript and API calls.

Doodle Jump

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  • This is my take on the Doodle jump game. The doodler can jump from platform to platform and score points while doing so. This was really fun to make.

Flappy Bird

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  • This is my version of the Flappy Bird game. This game was really fun to make. I wanted to sharpen my Javascript skills.

Svelte Chat App

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  • I did this project because I wanted more practice with Svelte and because I wanted to work with Firebase Authentication. I enjoyed this project a lot and it only took me a day and a half to complete.

Spotify React App

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  • I did this cool React app because I wanted to practice my React and Javascript skills. I also wanted to make a music player and I tried it before with the Apple Music api but it wasn't very developer friendly.

Anime Warehouse

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  • did this project because I wanted to build a fully functional e-commerce app to put in my portfolio. I read that e-commerce projects make portfolios look really good and I wanted the experience.

Google Maps API

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  • This is a site that utilizes the google maps API. I'd been wanting to work with the google maps API for a while now but it's really tricky. I'm glad I figured it out and I'm looking forward to working with this API again.


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  • This is a little Zelda game I built using a new JavaScript library called Kaboom.js. I've been wanting to use Kaboom for a few months now and I've finally found time to play around with it. Kaboom is a JavaScript library that makes it really easy to build video games. This was a lot of to make and I'm looking forward to working with it again.


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  • This is a Mario game that I made using Kaboom.JS. This is my second time using this technology and I'm really starting to enjoy it.

Google Clone

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  • This is my second attempt at making a Google Search engine clone. The first time, I used the Wikipedia api but I wanted to try and use the Google search api. This project was both difficult and fun and I learned a lot.

AI Face Detection

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  • I did this project because I wanted to work with AI. I chose the face api because I hear it's really popular and easy to work with. This project wasn't too difficult but I definitely had a few snags but I toughed it out and I'm a better software engineer because of it.

Snapchat Clone

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  • This is my attempt to clone snapchat and I'm very proud of this project. Just like all of my projects, this one was incredibly difficult but I toughed it out and was able to get everything to work..

Youtube Clone

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  • I built this really cool basic youtube app that allows the user to search for and play youtube videos based on the Youtube api. It had it's challenges but it was worth it.


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  • This is my Wikipedia search site. I fashioned it to look like the Wikipedia site using the Wikipedia API. I've always been curious about the Wiki API and I wanted to use it. Plus I wanted more experience making API calls and I wanted to use modules to import and export files.

Travel App

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  • I made this because I wanted more experience with the Google maps api. I wouldn't have been able to do this without the experience I gained the first time I worked with the Google maps api. This project wasn't terribly difficult.

Disney plus

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  • This project was extremely difficult. It didn't work correctly for a very long time. I did it because I wanted to work with GraphCMS. I like GraphCMS and I will be working with it again in the future.